Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Lists, Part One

The lists have been arduous, anixety-laden and damn-near impossible to complete. There was just too much to do, too little time to commit, too little money to devote. For the past two years, I have made incredible resolution/to-do lists that were supposed to add clarity and direction to my year and for the most part they did help. But almost a full 24 months later there are still many things outstanding and if I am being realistic, those things will probably be there 24 months from now.

Last year one of my main and probably most achievable goals was to listen to 200 new albums. I didn't accomplish this, but I came within a respectable distance. By my count, I listened to at least 151 new albums. I say at least, because I suspect that there are a few that I forgot to mark down. Despite not making it to 200, 151 albums is a heckuva lot of music and there were certainly albums that I spent a lot of time with and a lot that I didn't give proper time.

My list is kept in an Excel file. Simple, with the name of the band/artist and in the next column the title of the album. If it was great, I would highlight the columns in bold. If it was really great, I would highlight the columns in bold, and italicize.

My tastes are really all over the board and I am not going to claim any type of critical superiority over anyone else. Here are a few from the list that I think are worthy of mention. I would be curious to see what you liked and hope to perhaps find some new tunes to jump into as soon as the calendar page rolls.

Drum roll por favor:

Mastodon - The Hunter

Future Virgins - Western Problems

Centro-Matic - Candidate Waltz

The Drums - Portamento

The Cool Kids - When Fish Ride Bicycles

Richard Swift - Walt Wolfman

We Were Promised Jetpacks - In The Pit Of The Stomach

Tennis - Cape Dory

Raphael Saadiq - Stone Rollin'

The Decemberists - The King is Dead

Ida Maria - Bad Karma

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