Monday, January 2, 2012

My Feet Hurt From So Much Butt-Kickin'

Mid-July, 2008. I am on the floor of my closet writhing in pain. I am surprised I didn't throw up. My phone is in the office at the front of the house (the closest is the furthest possible point from the office). I begin to crawl, unable to stand after having unnaturally twisted and subsequently breaking my left knee.

It was most certainly not supposed to happen this way. I was on a two-week vacation of sorts, between jobs and had just finished the first week and the final honey do. I was going to start an awesome weight-loss and exercise plan the following day, finally getting myself into shape. Now I am the hospital being sized for a brace, crutches and eventually a three-scope surgery, removing 6cm of broken knee bone that will never grow back.  

It was one of the best things to ever happen to me. 

The recovery and rehab from the injury was grueling to say the least, but it gave me something to focus on. At first it was simply lying on my back, trying to lift my leg. It felt like a million pounds and the moment of incredible pride when I accomplished that feat was awesome. Eventually it was losing the crutches and walking to the mailbox, to the next street and back, to the park, to the pond, to my parents house a half-mile away. Soon I found myself walking substantial distances multiple times throughout the day - sometimes 12 miles total. My eating habits cleaned up and I lost a ton of weight. 

But that wasn't enough. Having long thought I would never run again, I reluctantly gave it a try. I couldn't believe my knee didn't fall apart and more over couldn't believe my shin splints were gone. Amazing!

Much like the walking pattern, I started running -- mostly short distances to start, soon adding up to semi-respectable miles. 

It was snowing last January when I started training for my first half-marathon. It snowed a lot (for Texas) last winter, but despite it, I trained almost to perfection and completed a half-marathon last March. Since then, I have completed three more, most recently yesterday, conquering the New Years Double challenge ( 

Running organized events is a load of fun and the process of training is actually pretty fun. That said, after a full year of running, it has begun to get a bit monotonous and I am looking forward to a much-needed running diet. I am digging deep into the Men's Health fitness apps and will be spending most days in January in the gym lifting and doing cardio. February 1 I will start run-training to again complete the Rock n Roll Dallas half-marathon -- this time hopefully achieving my two outstanding half-marathon goals...1) run the entire way and 2) finish in under 2:10:00. 

Here's to a healthy new year no matter what you decide your focus will be. 

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